The heart energy, the now energy (and the form)

Xinram Nnamppil
10 min readNov 27, 2021


-Dedicated to my close & musically-gifted-friend Mister E.F. & all ya emerging twinsouls out there.

Do you know what it is in life, what I think it’s about:
“It’s about the
now, its energy…
... and the the form will follow in a later stage...

Life in the now, in the moment, power of the now...

The form is something you don’t have to think about in this moment, now…

Actually, you never have to think about “the form”. So get out of your head and let go of the thoughts (“form”) that don’t help you further. “When clouds in the sky pass by, you leave them alone, and they’ll actually pass by…”.

The form arises naturally, organically, so you can't control it (otherwise it would become something ‘forced’, and that will always fail in the end, generates noise and so called ‘energy leaks’, with expectations that aren’t realistic, which do not come true, creating frustrations, bad vibes etc.).

Many people often start to think steps ahead (desired form, scenario thinking, ego stroking, materialistic wishes, jobs with hugh salaries (endlessly feeding the greed of the big stock- & stakeholders), big houses, newest ‘driving i-pads’ (aka Tesla) etc.) while they have not even yet taken the first step:

“resonating in the energy of the now”

Without bias we observe the fact that they have not yet properly absorbed or processed ‘the phase of the now’ or 'lived it through' properly. If you don’t break away from this vicious circle, this error will continue to exist and grow. You get stuck in a so-called vicious circle. And you don’t want that, right friendo?

Everything is one.
Energy & form belong to the same 'unit'.

In other words: you no longer have to see the energy as something being separated from the form.

Energy = Form

Energy = automatically form, so just let it happen, you don't have to do anything about it (in fact, as soon as you start interfering with the form and the 'forming process' you’ll only create more noise and create duality and consequently disturb the internal & external flow of ‘the unity':

Everything is ONE

You can apply the above-mentioned ‘unity idea’ to everything in your life: private, work, family, friends, pets, afterlife, reincarnation (in da nation) etc.
In the sphere of this ‘unity idea’ you can imagine that you can take the theme of love, as an example. For example a real long-term love (e.g. within relationships) can only develop and thrive if you do not look at the form, but at the initial energy of the moment, of “the now”. It’s all about the content, the true, pure and clear, unbiased character. It’s the things that matter most, like: the way of talking & way of doing and mentalizing in reciprocity, continuingly resonating in that pulsing flow of the ‘heart-energy, the energy of the now, the energy of the moment’. And therefore you do not have to pursue any expectations of any moment in any future…

“People suffer most from the suffering they fear”

<in the now, with energy leaks within ‘the now energy’>

So do yourselves a favor and stop trying to look into the future. The form of how something or a certain aspect in your life will look like in the future is completely irrelevant.

Questions such as: will my body and brain still be steady and healthy in 10 years time from now on?

Will my children still be healthy?

Can I still live in this beautiful house?

Can I buy all them clothes of those high-end brands and can I buy those Burberry (Brit) fragances?

Can I finally buy that ‘dream car’?

Will I have that promotion in the pocket before I’m forty?

What will my crypto-currencies be worth in 5 years from now?

What will my family, friends, colleagues, neighbors think of me when I’m jobless?, etc., etc., etc.
These are all irrelevant questions, all very unnecessary, very meaningless questions…

All = One
And you are a unique passant on this planet.
And as a passant you guys are automatically part of a larger whole, a higher order, “a universal über energy”…

“Every human being is the most sensitive instrument on this planet…”

So every constructive (little or big) spark of energy that you give (as a ‘gift’, like one of them ‘burningman-principles’) to the universe, automatically resonates and contributes to the whole (with an infinite number of different forms and form expressions attached, related to it) and thus to the individual… (individual = energy = whole = one).

This can be, for example, a positive act, a positive deed, or a positive thought or prayer or meditation or ‘blessing in da skies’ with which you tune in to your fellow man or woman, child, animal, who -by doing so- will be helped (at a distance or physically, both are more than okay-ish).

Form-free, freedom of form… Don’t fill in, don’t interfere, don’t mess around with it.

People have the ‘nurture tendency’(not ‘nature’) to often get stuck in their thoughts, to ‘form’ something in their head, while this is not possible: you can only form something in your heart.

We call it ‘heart energy’. This heart energy represents ‘the energy of the now’ : that energy that is generated in the now (power of the now) from the heart: when you’re tuned-in, you speak* directly from ‘the source of all sources’: the heart.

The chakra directly below your belly button (the pivot point from which all your strength and movement starts) supports this speech*, and ensures that you can breathe very relaxed, over and over again…

If you manage to express your feeling directly from the heart, you enter the so-called ‘next level’: a world (level) of unique purity & resonance with your ‘true-self’. A state of oneness…

In certain circles, this is also called “the third force” or “the new order”. If you practice this, it will change everything in your life, forever: it creates a kind of 'new life form' of resonating with your unspoiled, crystal clear ‘child-DNA’. Back to nature (not ‘nurture’).

Everything you undertake from that moment on in your life, in mind, in actions and in behavior will be 'in line' with your real "I", that unspoiled child in you, which you were between your 3rd and 7th year of life. Those were the sacred years of your life in which you were still unspoiled, free from the troubles and burden of adults. Free from ego. And so you will return back to your roots, back to “the real I”. Free from worries. Be regenerated, feel re-generated, experience your renewed ‘state of mind’, your ‘re-birth’.

Free from form thinking about the future (no worries about what the future will look like).

Free from (pre)judgments.

Free from labelling.

Free from dualism.

Free from (on) grinding of thoughts.

Free from any interpretation, at all…

And - at last but not least-: free from “the devil” (whatever / whoever this may be or represents). ‘The devil’ really enjoys it much when he discovers to be able to get a grip on that certain part of discrepancy (that ‘gray area’) between ‘the now energy’ and ‘the form’ and abuses it in a smart manner…

So -if you were to ask me & my people-, our advice would always be not to give him ("the devil’, whatever & whoever that me be…) or (residual) entities that look like it) that unique chance, because otherwise he will systematically destroy you and make you dull soul, to that extent that in your adult life you can hardly go back to "your real me", your essence, your soul power, the essence, your childhood, your child energy, your child power. So stay sharp a s a razor… And just make sure you’re always a step ahead…

In other words: Guard the essence of who you are and what you stand for as a person, your authenticity!

You let go of all them ‘scenario thinking’ and take a dive from your head into your heart and thus start living again as ‘your child in adulthood’: the child energy of "your real me". And then, by doing so, you’ll experience everything starts to flow again…
Without any kind of noise.

Oneness as a ‘noise-canceller’…
There will be no more discrepancy between what you say and who you really are.

You radiate tranquility
This tranquility will not go unnoticed by your periphery. People will want to stay near you, in your presence, to 'hitch a ride' on your tranquility, orientation (your keynote) & pulsing balance that you radiate (broadcast), your unique, non-dual Advaita energy.

Don’t let them ‘free-riders’ in (unless they buy a ticket, ha ha, no #justkidding here). You will start to wonder, among other things: “what do all those people want from me all the time?…”.

And so you will have to learn to protect yourself in order to resonate ‘in your own customized frequency’...

Do not allow too many impulses from outside (from ‘those people’). Avoid the “Tetris Effect” (too many impulses within a short amount of time).

You’ll have the opportunity to learn to import that specific energy from the outside which is pure, grounded and ‘tunes-in’ on your specific DNA. It’s that specific energy of your loved ones that really matters, your soul mates (perhaps even your ‘twin-souls’), your fellow Advaita souls, your like-minded people so to speak…

Be vigilant for family, friends, colleagues or third parties who are not ‘in your frequency’ and who are not (yet) in 'the next level' (the level in which you are already resonating and pulsating). They tend to create noise and cause a ‘status quo’ of imbalance. They often do not realize this themselves and often mean well, only -in the end of the line- the result is unsatisfactory and damaging, so let that part go and we advise you to beware and do not get trapped...

So: Live your own “now energy”, find your talent, that part where you really are in your power,
go for it,
feed that part with your “now energy”, your “heart energy”.

Don't be fooled by what others say (they always see 'bears on the road'...).
Persevere, stay focused, accelerate at it and then you will automatically become good at it, thus synchronized to ‘your own real self’.

And because “the persistant will always win” (but you must/may continue to persist!), an 'mental earnings model' automatically will roll out there...

Now let us tell something to help you guys out, how to start above process of ‘opening’ and resonating towards your true self. Uniting your body, soul & spirit in a harmonizing process of ascension…

MI – 528 Hz

This is the so-called “love frequency”, which stands for transformation, miracles and the repair and healing of DNA patterns. The tone 'Mi' is used to return human DNA to its original, perfect state. This frequency brings transformation and miracles into your life. All you have to do is: turn these 528Hz frequency-tunes on in your youtube browser, with a continuous smile on your face, through the rest of your beautiful life. And after death on this planet, your authentic energy will resonate indefinitely through… (also in subsequent lives and returning lives). From the resonating, opening process of the 528Hz frequency, you will move on and one, towards the discovery of YOUR frequency. For instance: for me personally it turned out to be the 428Hz frequency which I discovered it optimally resonates with MY DNA. From the fine moment I synchronized with this specific frequency, my life completely changed (for the good that is). Clearly, this is a subjective phenomenon, so hopefully every one will have the freedom and power to discover his or her own frequency.

We award this to you, wishing you the luck, strength and courage to find your Frequency!

Eventually you will reach the State of Ascension > which is the merging of the higher and the lower physical and etheric levelplanes of the soul, spirit and physical body, becoming one.

For many, this means that the internal, cellular structure in the body changes, allowing for a higher level of vibration.

Everything becomes one. And you are part of that all-encompassing oneness.

From this fine moment in time you don't have to do anything; as long as you follow your heart (and not your head / thoughts) and stay true to it (and thus stay true to yourself) EVERYTHING will happen by itself.

So welcome home sweet, authentic person you are.
Welcome home.
If you want to dispel “the darkness”, don't close your eyes again…
Break your (vicious) circle…
So tune in, because from here on, everything in your life will only get better, purer, more resonating…
Welcome to your own, brave, new world…
Enjoy your new life: your real life…
Back to your roots…
This is the everlasting covenant…

Welcome to the next level…

Welcome to YOUR life…

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“The heart can never be warmed by outward beauties and materialism…

The ego can be warmed by this, never the heart…

The heart warms itself, by experiencing sincerity, purity & trust, by giving & receiving, by mentalizing, by living in the now (and not thinking beyond “the now”), in resonance with all dimensions of love💚…

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“With Many blessings to you & to your beloved ones”

🙏🏼💚Xinram Nnamppil 💚🙏🏼



Xinram Nnamppil

Spiritual soul, Musician, Bassplayer, Rhabdomant, Energetic Cleanser, Member of the Lighthouse Foundation, Member of the Pandilla de Cabras, galactic portal.