The Dog Whistler

Xinram Nnamppil
3 min readSep 17, 2021


Dog Meditation Music (432Herz)

The Story of “The Dog Whistler”.

Back in time, in August 2016, I was standing outside a pub, in the charming fishing village of Baltimore, County Cork, Ireland.

This town is located on an inland sea, near the point, the beacon, where most of the Titanic's passengers saw land for the last time (Cape Clear and FastnetRock too).We were having a drink with some Irish cousins of mine and some friends outside on the terrace of the Waterfront Hotel Baltimore and Pub (of family friend Youen) when suddenly out of nowhere a large, blond, barking dog came rushing towards us.We looked at each other startled and a little glassy when one of us, our friend from the cove, Garreth, began to whistle -just with his mouth- in a two-tone way in the direction of the dog with a special flute technique.
I’ve held in my hands many different musical instruments from all over the world, but I hadn’t often heard this particular two-tone flute sound before. A high tone and a bass tone at the same time. And that from one mouth.
Anyway, the moment Garreth started whistling this two-tone sound, the dog immediately started backing up, away from us. Back to the street where he came from. The dog had suddenly become dead silent and disappeared into thin air.We looked at each other very surprised.
We looked again at the place where the dog came from.
And then we watched Garreth, from then on also known as: "The Dog Whistler".
We laughed heartily about it but were deeply impressed by this incident and his action.
Garreth ordered another round of pints for all of us and then explained to us how he learned this 'flute-trick' and took us through some background, also professionally.Back at home I now also tried to whistle in two notes and sure enough: I succeeded immediately!Now it was time to put this into practice.
In the years that followed I occasionally accidentally came across the situation that an aggressive dog approached me, at home and abroad, on a trip, in nature, on the street or, for example, at a farm.
And every time I applied the "trick" of "The Dog Whistler", and I almost always managed to calm the dog in question and let it go away in peace on its own!I have now found the time (still a bit covidvolente time) and inspiration to tune in to this little special occurrence, the Irish friend's two-tone whistle, this moment in time.That is why I have now captured the two-tone whistle, which I can also produce from my own mouth, in a soundbyte of about 11 minutes.
I recorded it in my home studio.
It has become a spiritual piece. A recording that you can use to meditate on. To help you fall asleep. It is also a good piece for during exercises such as Tai Chi (which I myself am a daily practitioner of, but that aside).But it has certainly become a recording to be able to use in practice: namely when one (or more) aggressive dogs (unexpectedly) approach you.You can then play this sound fragment immediately, on your phone or with a speaker, and in the vast majority of cases you will see immediate results (NB: you cannot derive any guarantees from this, this is always at your own risk).During the binaural recording (432Hz, in accordance with the laws of Solfegio) I burned the necessary palo santo to give the effect extra spiritual power and to be able to tune in extra well.Hopefully it resonates with you as a listener.I'm curious what you think.
And I'm curious about your experiences when you put it into practice with dogs that are not feeling well for a while.
You can provide them of some peace & love & calmness exposing them to this 11 minute soundbite.
Do not hesitate to respond in the 'comment box' below.keep it real &
Love & Blessings,
to you and your beloved ones,
-thanks to our friend Garreth from the cove, Baltimore-ARTWORK
(the artwork is made in Extremadura, Spain, January 2019, I did not have a pic from Ireland ;-))
More info on Solfegio frequencies:
AUDIO (specially related to this story):



Xinram Nnamppil

Spiritual soul, Musician, Bassplayer, Rhabdomant, Energetic Cleanser, Member of the Lighthouse Foundation, Member of the Pandilla de Cabras, galactic portal.