
Xinram Nnamppil
Oct 30, 2022


poem by jojo

‘Tears glitter

Tears are emotion

Tears are fragile

Tears are healing

Tears are salt

Tears are hormones

Tears are proteins

Tears are water

Tears are bittersweet

tears of love

Tears of joy

Tears of sadness

Tears are self love

You can’t see tears behind sunglasses

Tears are a relief

Tears from beautiful memories

Tears are a reset

Tears are wet

tears flow

Tears roll down the cheeks

Tears soft to the heart

Tears are emotion

Tears leave you alone or together

Tears pink you away

Tears communicate

Connecting tears

clearing tears

valley of tears

tears are beautiful

tears is love

Tears run from your eyes

Let me dry your tears…’



Xinram Nnamppil

Spiritual soul, Musician, Bassplayer, Rhabdomant, Energetic Cleanser, Member of the Lighthouse Foundation, Member of the Pandilla de Cabras, galactic portal.