Xinram Nnamppil
14 min readFeb 12, 2022

8 Dimensional Somnia

Angel Sleep Healing Frequency

Sleep Music in 428Hz & 8D-audio

Youtube (FULL 8 hours Meditation resonation):



<<< Please note: Only use in-ear headset for optimal resonation and 8-Dimensional-audio effect >>>

428Hz (protection), Angel Frequency, 8Hrs, 8-D-Audio (Eight-Dimensional Audio), Sleep Music, Relaxation Music, Relaxing, Music, Soothing Music, Healing Meditation Music, TherapeuticMusic.

Summary: Angel Sleep Healing Frequency

This is the 2-hour-sample. The full-pull audio-track consists of 8-hours-during resonance and will be on YT in March / April 2022.
Mastering by: Mr. Andor van Reeven.

→ This audiofile only resonates if you put your earphones/headset (in-ears) in properly and close your eyes and lie on your bed (or couch) and have silence & peace around you (no ambient noises).
→ It is advised to burn a little Palo Santo wood (or salie) before you start listening.

— → The full file consists of 8 hours of relaxing 428Hz, 8 Dimensional Sleep Music for a.o. stress relief purposes, total bodyscan, relaxing meditation.Operation of the 428Hz frequency, vibration.
Mental emotional physical spiritual healing.
The 428Hz frequency is not just a standard Solfeggio frequency.
It is a newly discovered solfeggio frequency: the ideal sleep (and relax) vibration.
This frequency was discovered in November 2021 as an angel sleep healing frequency tone by Marnix Lippmann.

428 Hz: The sleep tone, frequency. This is a newly discovered, innovative frequency that, among other things, is made up of the combination of 3 chakras: the 1st, 4th and 8th chakra.

The sleep frequency, stands for:

This frequency brings your true self back to the core, your well-being, self-protection, living in your own keynote, in your own pace of life, rhythm of life.
Above all, this frequency stimulates a good night’s sleep and thus brings well-being back into your life.

The guardian angels of this angel sleep frequency ensure that your body recovers while listening to this track.

They protect you and awaken you, so that you come back into your own power of your unique child energy.

You will be transformed into your ‘core identity years’, the years between your 4th and 9th year of life, when you still lived very close to yourself, to your heart, when you still lived uninhibited and carefree and resonated on this earth.

The angel sleep frequency repairs your DNA and strengthens the synchronicity of the trinity: body, soul (life course) and spirit (life force). It brings your DNA back to your original and perfect state (nulstellung, rebirth).

This primal power returns, thanks to the Angel Sleep Healing Frequency 428Herz & 8D audio.

Angel number 428 consists of 4+2+8=14 > 1+4=5 And 5 is the angel number.

Angel Sleep Healing Frequency 428Hz, 8D supports your sleep, works healing, repairs, and brings transformation and (further) development into your life.
Angel Sleep Healing Frequency 428Hz, 8D is protective and brings miracles into your life.
Angel Sleep Healing Frequency 428Hz, 8D is also a message that you are financially secure in your life, and your material and financial needs will always be met.
You will receive a happy life again.


In this 428-frequency music there is a calmness and peace that radiates like a force.

Calm yet charged, a controlled, enhancing source of energy.

It’s like a silent angel’s voice singing an 8-hour vibration in the frequency of 428 Hz.


428Hz (protection)Angel Frequency, 8Hrs, 8-D-Audio (Eight-Dimensional Audio), Sleep Music, Relaxation Music, Relaxing, Music, Soothing Music, Healing Meditation Music, TherapeuticMusic.


!!! Only use in-ear headset for optimal resonation and 8-Dimensional-audio effect !!!

#RelaxingMusic #Relax #SoothingRelaxation #TheMagicTone #ArchAngelFrequency #AngelFrequency #SuccesFrequency #AbundanceFrequency

— → 8 hours of relaxing 428Hz, 8 Dimensional Sleep Music for a.o. stress relief purposes, total bodyscan, relaxing meditation.


- Indian Bansum flute (resonating groundtone, basis bass-tone, 1st Chakra).

- 16MM Dream Sequence, 4th Chakra)

- Cosmic Reflection (8th Chakra)

Selfrestoring resonance while sleeping, wake up in your heart, wake up in the “NOW”.

428Hz (protection)Angel Frequency, 8Hrs, 8-D-Audio (Eight-Dimensional Audio), Sleep Music, Relaxation Music, Relaxing, Music, Soothing Music, TherapeuticMusic

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In general (the constellation of the chakra’s)

The system of the chakra’s. And how the chakra’s are involved, as they are internalized in this 8hrs track of sleep & relaxation Music.

In traditional Indian culture, chakra (Pali: chakka, Tibetan: khorlo, Malay: cakera) is a place in the supposed energy body of the human being, which -within that tradition- is considered to be essential for the force of life.

Chakra (Sanskrit cakram) means circle or wheel. The abundance and welness, (spiritual) richness that will reach you after resonating with this 8 hours peace of music on a more regular basis.

Physical or other medical influences of chakras on the human body have not been scientifically proven.

The existence of the chakras themselves neither have been proven scientifically proven.

It is a metaphysical/philosophical concept.

In traditional Indian culture, chakra (Pali: chakka, Tibetan: khorlo, Malay: cakera) is a place in the supposed energy body of man, which within that tradition is considered important for life force. Chakra (Sanskrit cakram) means circle or wheel.

The 8hrs sleep music, meditation music and relaxing music is characterized by the following three chakra’s, coming together as one resonance in 428Hz and 8D-audio:

1) Indian Bansuri Flute, Groundtone <1st Chakra>

It’s no coincidence that this Indian Bansuri flute stands at the basis of this masterpiece of 8 hours of sleep and relaxation music. This flute functions as a groundtone and will bring you to the next level in your life.

Muladhara means root. This root chakra is situated just below the coccyx.

Going back to your roots, feel the resonation and come into your ground tone, get into your grounding, become ‘grounded’.

Back to the roots, which means: back to your “basic trust”.

Old trees are so well grounded, deep rooted, that they symbolise this ‘basic trust’. No one can dispute this deep self-trust and self-esteem deep inside you. In Holland there ars quite some very old trees, and one of them is located in the Vechtstreek, in Vreeland, Slotzigt (Boslaan 9). The name of this 280 year old oak tree is: Fagus Sylvatica Purpurea.

By the way, if you’re interested in the phenomenon of the pine tree, and it’s healing powers, you can click here.

The Muladhara is said to make the connection between the body, the earth and the way you move in the world.

According to the New Age movement, the first chakra is red in color and is physically related to problems with the lower back, colon, bones, hips, pelvis and buttocks.

These problems will possibly be less after resonating with this 8 hours piece of healing music.

This tone of “Indian Bansuri Flute” has been made available by the creators of Logic Pro (10.4.2., version November 2018).

2) 16MM Dream Sequence <4th Chakra>

It is this “16MM dream sequence” tune which resonates in your own space, in it’s on way, on it’s own manner.

While asleep, your inner-self is restoring, healing from all signals and incentives you received during daytime.

The chakra, the 4th chakra, the chakra of your heart and love & healing & more air, is represented by the tone of “16MM dream sequence”.

By the way, if you’re interested in the phenomenon of the 4th Chakra, the Rose Quartz and meaning, you can click over here.

It’s this mid-tone, in the mid-frequency-register, you can hear and feel in this 8 hours during track of relaxation and sleep Music.

This tone of “16MM dream sequence” has been made available by the creators of Logic Pro (10.4.2., version November 2018).

3) Cosmic Reflection <8th Chakra>

It all starts with your own reflection, your self-reflection. The cosmic inner self.

“Every being is the most sensitive instrument on earth…”. So when you start by putting yourself in a vulnerable position, you start to open, you start to resonate towards honesty, towards purity, towards the truth and towards the next level.

The highest chakra, the 8th chakra, is represented by the tone of the “cosmic reflection”.

This is the chakra of your “crown reflection”, which symbolizes your spirituality, your spiritual journey. Your ‘protective angels’ will guide you on your ‘path of soul’.

This is the highest tone you can hear and feel in this 8 hours during track of relaxation and sleep Music.

This tone of ‘cosmic reflection’ has been made available by the creators of Logic Pro (10.4.2., version November 2018).

The effect of the mastering process explained (for master-dummies)

As the mastering artist, mr. Andor van Reeven described it himself, his unique manner of proces of Mastering also brought him on a certain next level. Somewhere during this 8-D mastering processing, Andor whatsapped me with a voicememo: “Everything okay, at the moment I’m working on the bounce of your piece of music, resonance in 428Herz sleep-therapy, and as I was doin’ so, I discovered that -quite funny- the speed and the frequency with which everything turns around you in the 8th-dimension, goes in the 428Herz frequency, totally around you. From left to right, from up and down, over your head, etc. etc. This means that not only your initial track is in 8-D and 428Hz, but also everything which happens around you, in your aura, is edited and synchronized in 8-D technology and 428Herz. So basically everything is tuned in on the 428Herz Angel-frequency and 8-dimensional-audio-experience…So if all goes according to (master)plan, it’s going to result in an epic experience, at least that’s what I’m experiencing already when I’m listening to it at the moment…”.

Energetic Cleansing power

After (and during) this 8 hours tune, any unwelcome entities in your area / house / etc. will be encouraged to resonate elsewhere and will leave your energy unharmed.

Therapeutic effects

You may experience therapeutic effects after listening to this 428 Hz 8D audio track. However, this has not been promised by us in advance and although the sound track is unlikely to generate any negative side effects, we emphasize that listening to the track is at your own expense and risk.


The information on this site and the use of the sound track is for general informational resonation purposes only, and at your own risk. The creator / producer / masterer makes no representation or warranty, express or implied. Your use of the (content of the) site is solely at your own risk. This site may contain links to third party content, which we do not warrant, endorse, nor assume liability for.

Any legal rights regarding the produced and mastered audio-file (428Hz, 8D-audio) stays at the legal owner (Marnix Lippmann).

Words of thanks
- JoJo-chiller from Bamebridge, for her purity, for her emphatic capabilities, for her resonance, for her clear vision, for her unique smile, for her laughter, for her advices and additional insights, for her healing power, for her lightwork as a lightworker & lightbeing, happy spirit, for her honesty, for her -amuzing- continuous & endless inspiration.

- Mister Andor van Reeven, for his expertise in the profession of mixing and mastering. Without him, without his ‘’know-how”. without his empathic qualities, this 8hours-masterpiece would not have been possible (see full endorsement at the bottom of this post).

- Mister Bas Swellheim, for his unique vision, masterly perfection and for creating and editing a fantastic, suitable visual artwork, animation.

- The creators of Logic Pro (10.4.2., version November 2018), for their creation of (amongst others) the tunes of the “Indian Bansuri Flute”, the “16MM Dream Sequence” and the “Cosmic Reflection”.

- Lara Smith, for her re-directing and publishing activity in the summer of 2020.

- Joanne Walmsley, for her beloved lightwork and her insights on the 428 number(s) Angel frequency, Sacred Scribes , Victoria, Australia ( Published on Sunday, August 28, 2011.


Albert Einstein said, “As far as matter is concerned, we have all been mistaken.

What we have called matter is energy, the vibration of which has been lowered so as to be palpable to the senses.

All matter and beings vibrate at specific speeds and everything has its own melody…”


Marnix Lippmann quote:

“Every being is the most sensitive instrument on earth…”



When we give to life, we receive from life.

by: Joanne Walmsley

428 = 4 + 2 + 8 = 14 = 1 +4 = 5

Number 428 is a blend of the energies and influences of number 4, the vibrations of number 2 and the qualities of number 8.

Number 4 offers the vibrations of instinctual knowledge and inner-wisdom, building solid foundations for the self and others, ability and stability, dependability and hard work, achieving success and our passion and drive.

Number 4 also resonates with the Archangels. Number 2 imbues balance and harmony, duality and adaptability, devotion, duty and service, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation.

Number 2 also relates to faith and trust and your Divine life purpose and soul mission. Number 8 brings its vibrations of manifesting wealth and abundance, self-confidence and personal authority, discernment, achievement, giving and receiving, humanitarianism and serving humanity.

Number 8 is also the number of Karma — the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.

Angel Number 428 is a message that you are financially secure in your life, and your material and financial needs will always be met.

Your prayers, visualizations and positive affirmations have been heard and acknowledged by the angelic and higher spiritual realms.

Your actions and devotion to serving your life purpose has manifested abundance and ensured a steady flow of material supply into your life. Remember to be grateful for your blessings and remember that the more you have, the more you have to share with others.

Angel Number 428 brings a message from your angels that your hard work, efforts and determination are reaping rewards, and you are being blessed with the fruits of your labours. Through diligence and determination you have achieved a great deal and the angels are commending you for your efforts and are encouraging you to keep up the good work.

Angel Number 428 may also suggest that a cycle or phase will be coming to an end soon, with rewards coming from hard work well done. Do not fear lack or loss as these endings and conclusions will lead to auspicious new beginnings and opportunities, and your success and achievement will bring blessings and rewards of many kinds into your life.

“When we give to life, we receive from life”

Number 428 relates to number 5 (4+2+8=14, 1+4=5) and Angel Number 5.


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Angel Number 428: Always Be Hopeful And Confident

Angel Number 428 is your number of references.

You have had such repeating number occurrences before.

You need some guidance in your life.

Below is some advice from your angel.

Immunity of health is mentioned by angel number 428.

This is being healthy and well. You have been unwell for a while.

You were so weak and helpless.

This condition made you think about your priorities. You have recently gotten well. You are now putting your life together.

The fear of being unwell again is making you underestimate your abilities.

The guardian angels want you to know you are immune. They will hinder you from all evil. You will be surrounded by good health. They are on duty. They are working to make your life better. Angel number 428 symbolizes that the illness will stay at bay. Get to work and do not fear.The angel numbers want you to start being yourself. Do not do things for others. You are supposed to take responsibility for everything you do. Make yourself relevant. Take control of your life.

Karma is a letter delivered by angel number 428. This is the law of the universe. Life gives you what you deserve. If you work towards making others happy, you will be given joy. Everything you do will be repaid accordingly. Always watch your actions. The things you do will dictate your future. Build your future by doing well for others.

428 Angel Number: Conclusion

Have a forgiving heart while interacting with people. Do not let people get on your nerves when you can easily walk out of their lives and surround yourself with people that matter. Seeing 428 everywhere is a sign that you need to know the things that you want in life.

Angel Number 428 Meaning

Angel number 428 is a mixed number with many different meanings.

4 are several rationalities. It is the ability to think before you leap.

2 meaning is several justice. This is the opportunity for fair judgment.

Symbolism for 8 is the number of contentment. This is being comfortable at your level.

42 are several summations. This is organizing your life. 28 are several growths.

This is a sign of progress.

48 meaning symbolizes prosperity and abundance.


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428Hz (protection)Angel Frequency, 2Hrs, 8-D-Audio (Eight-Dimensional Audio), Sleep Music, Relaxation Music, Relaxing, Music, Soothing Music, Healing Meditation Music, TherapeuticMusic.

— -> Note:
- It only works if you put your earphones/headset (in-ears) in properly and close your eyes and lie on your bed (or couch) and have silence & peace around you (no ambient noises).
- I advise to burn a little Palo Santo wood (or salie) before you start listening.

— → 8 hours of relaxing 428Hz, 8 Dimensional Sleep Music for a.o. stress relief purposes, total bodyscan, relaxing meditation.

- Indian Bansum flute (resonating groundtone, basis bass-tone, 1st chakra).
- 16MM Dream Sequence (hearth and breath for more air, 4th chakra)
- Cosmic Reflection (the highest, crown chakra, 8th chakra)

Selfrestoring resonance while sleeping, wake up in your heart, wake up in the “NOW”.

The full-pull 8hrs masterpiece is soon on YT with visuals!
Mastering by: Mr. Andor van Reeven.

→ This audiofile only resonates if you put your earphones/headset (in-ears) in properly and close your eyes and lie on your bed (or couch) and have silence & peace around you (no ambient noises).
→ It is advised to burn a little Palo Santo wood (or salie) before you start listening.

— → The full file consists of 8 hours of relaxing 428Hz, 8 Dimensional Sleep Music for a.o. stress relief purposes, total bodyscan, relaxing meditation.

Selfrestoring resonance while sleeping, wake up in your heart, wake up in the “NOW”.

→ The full-pull 8hrs masterpiece is soon on YT with visuals!
→ Mastering by: Mr. Andor van Reeven (
→ Word of thanks: to be published when the complete file (8hrs)is available on YT.

Come with us, connect and join a higher frequency















The 428Herz frequency symbolizes:












Selfrestoring resonance while sleeping, wake up in your heart, wake up in the “NOW”.

428Hz (protection)Angel Frequency, 8Hrs, 8-D-Audio (Eight-Dimensional Audio), Sleep Music, Relaxation Music, Relaxing, Music, Soothing Music, TherapeuticMusic

Endorsement Andor van Reeven, mastering @

“The craft of ‘mastering’ is not just any profession. ‘Mixing’ and ‘mastering’ is a craft. And Andor van Reeven masters this craft like no other. In my case he has a 428Herz frequency music piece of a healing nature (spiritual, binaural, restoring sleep music & relax music) of 8 hours, have been mastered in such a way that a resonance is created that is unparalleled in the world, which can even have a therapeutic effect.

Not only did he transform the 428Herz supplied by me into 8D audio (8-dimensional), but also, thanks to his progressive insight, he provided the piece of music with an -extra- 428Herz dimensional effect, which in my eyes and ears has reached ‘the next level’: double 428Hz and also 8Dimensional.

In short: this has become a unique masterwork of which I am very proud, and with which I can help many people worldwide. I am very proud to know Andor and to be able to work with him, that he wanted to practice his craft on my production. The result is -literally- groundbreaking, I am grateful to him for that. I can only recommend Andor to anyone who wants to take their audio production to a higher level. He is versatile and can empathize very well with the wishes of the client. I look forward to future projects with Andor.

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428Hz 8D audio Sleep & Relax Music, Healing and Restoring:
Xinram Nnamppil

Spiritual soul, Musician, Bassplayer, Rhabdomant, Energetic Cleanser, Member of the Lighthouse Foundation, Member of the Pandilla de Cabras, galactic portal.